Bingo Room Grand Opening
Bingo Room Grand Opening
Bingo Room Grand Opening

Bingo Room Grand Opening

Brand New Bingo Room Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Thunder Valley Casino Resort to Hold Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Grand Opening of
New Bingo Hall

WHAT: Thunder Valley Casino Resort will host an official ribbon cutting ceremony to commemorate the grand opening of the spacious new Bingo Hall on Thursday April 26th at 2 p.m.  
The anti-fatigue custom seating and state-of-the-art audio, visual, and lighting systems will comfortably accommodate 800 players, allowing for increased bingo attendance, and adding over 160 sessions to Thunder Valley’s bingo schedule.
“Thunder Valley is excited to expand our bingo capabilities and to continue providing an award-winning experience at our AAA Four Diamond Destination Resort,” says Dawn Clayton, General Manager of Thunder Valley Casino Resort.
Clayton and Thunder Valley Executives will lead the ceremony and members of the United Auburn Indian Community Tribal Council will complete the honors of cutting the ribbon.
WHEN:          Thursday, April 26
                        2 p.m. 
WHERE:       Thunder Valley Casino Resort  
                        1200 Athens Avenue
                        Lincoln, CA 95648